Tuesday 20 August 2024


Menstruation is a complex process in women life initiated with physiological phenomenon. Women experience menstruation for 1/7 th of her life. During this phase ninety percent women experience some kinds of physical or psychological symptoms including nausea, pain in abdomen, lower back and calf etc. In ayurved science along with specific codes of conducts, dietary regime has been advised for menstruating women to govern healthy occurrence of menstrual cycle. Amongst several dietary ingredients Mudga [Green gram] has been menstioned in the list of food ingredients to be taken during menstruation.Mudga Yusha [green gram soup] is widely suggested with various combinations to treat different disease conditions. Properties of different Mudga yushas as per ayurvedic classical text[ Sushruta samhita] 1. The soups known as Raga-Shadava (which is another name for Mudga Yusha prepared with grapes and expressed pomegranate juice) is light and imparts a relish to food. It is not hostile to the deranged humors of the body but slightly subdues their action. 2. The soups of Mudga prepared with salt is hostile to Pitta and Kapha and is specially recommended in different diseases (Vata Vyadhi) occured due to distrubed vata entity. 3. Soups of Mudga prepared with Patola (Tricosanthem Diocius) and Nimba (Azadiarchta Indica) tends to reduce the quantity of fat and abnormal Kapha in the organism, subdue the Pitta, are appetizing and agreeable and prove curative in the cases of Kushtha [skin related problems]. 4. Mudga soup prepared with Mulaka (Radish) removes dyspnoea, cough, catarrh, water brash and fever. It tends to reduce fat and Kapha and proves curative in diseases affecting the throat. 5. Mudga soup cooked with Amalakas [ Emllica officinalis] acquired an astringent property and proves beneficial in derangements of the Kapha and Pitta dosha. Out of all Mudga yusha references, five references found with detailed mentioning of ingredients. Mudga Yusha prepared with Mudga (Vigna radiata), Dadim (Punica granatum), Saindhav (Rock salt), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativum), Pippali (Piper Longum), Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum) is seems to produce beneficial effects for women suffering from associated symptoms of menstruation by providing Vata anulomana, Deepana and Pachana actions. It is advised to produce therapeutic effects towards different metabolites like Rasa, Rakta, Shukta and Stanya. Thus might be helpful to show positive desired effects for reduction of Pain in Lower abdomen, Lower back, Breast Tenderness, Pain in calf Muscle, Headache, Nausea, Pimples, Loose motion, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Hot flushes in women.

Tuesday 9 July 2024


Ayurveda Concepts : For Rutucharya [ Seasonal practices--Dos and Dont's]

Dr. Madhuri Pawar 
Ayurved science pharmaceutics and pharmacology [ MD]  

Two Ayan[ Time spans] : as follows

Uttarayan [ AADAN KAAL]-- The ascent of sun in this time span / northward movement of sun, hot environment, increases dryness in body and reduces Sharir Bala[ strength] of body. Light to digest foods, watery, juicy liquid products consumption suggested.

Dakshinayan[ VISARGA KAAL] --The descent of the sun observed, movement towards southern direction.  Cold and unctuous environment. Strength of person increases, digestive power becomes strong, one can eat healthy, unctuous and heavy to digest , energy providing food articles  

Further, it is stated that these two time periods are then explained in Six rutu kaal[ seasons]. It is emphasized in ayurved science to observe the changes taken place as per season related to temperature, humidity,  weather and accordingly certain conducts are suggested for each season. If one can use and follow the guidelines or specific rule in relation to good conducts, then person can manage his or her  healthy status in appropriate manner. Following theses rules helps to prevent health and get rid from illnesses.

Following are the six rutu [seasons]explained  given in figure

Here two seasons and specific suggestions as per ayurved are  explained 

For Shishir Rutu [ Autumn ]

Here environment remains cold and cold weather, wind. Gaiing of energy is observed in this season.

Due to this aggravation of Kapha entity is seen in body and Agni[ digestive power] of person is at higher level. 

Thus, persons having good  status of digestive power can consume wheat based/ cereal based/ rice based gruels, porridges, milk based products. Ghee processed products like sweets, laddos are suggested to consume. Along with this regular exercises other than regular activities should be done to maintain healthy condition of body.

For Hemanta Rutu[ Late Autum] 

Lifestyle Recommendations
  • Exercise, body and head massage

  • Use of warm water and sunlight 

  • Applications of ayurvedic herbal powders --as scrub 
  • Use of woolen clothes and residing at warm places 

  • Exposure to Strong wind, cold wind and habit of day sleeping --should be avoided 

    • Vata Aggravating foods such as cold, dry nature foods, cold drinks  and light  to digest to be avoided.  

    Friday 16 December 2022


    Basic pharmaceutical Principles of Ayurvedic Formulations : 

    Dr. Madhuri Pawar 

    Associate Professor, BVDUCOA, Pune 

    Content : 

    Principles for  selection of raw materials[ Herbs, Mineral-metals, animal products]

    Principles for manufacture of ayurvedic medicines 

    Ayurvedic pharmaceutics deals with preparation of herbal and herbomineral formulations by applying specific guidelines and principles enumerated in classical texts.
     In current scenario different modern techniques applied for selection of raw drugs  and manufacture of medicines are to be taken in consideration. 
    In laboratories , Small scale units and also in large scale pharmacy units it is mandatory to follow  authentic published Ayush  guidelines.
    Cumulatively it is helpful to prepare quality formulations which produces desired effects claimed in ayurvedic classical texts.

    Thursday 10 November 2022

      Hair Care : Transformation of  potent group of Herbal drugs in Gel form 

    Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Dr. Nilima Dharkar 

    Ayurvedic literature reveals that avoidance of oil application and improper cleaning of scalp, sleeping in day time, night vigil, exposure to dust, hot weather are the causative factors for development of dandruff.

    As per ayurvedic perspective, due to vitiation in Vata and Kapha entities, dryness occurs  and specific symptoms are predominantly seen at that region. These specific symptoms can be  correlated with dandruff.

    Due to imbalanced diet, environmental pollutants and improper hair care, individual’s scalp may get affected. Dandruff is a scalp disorder which is characterized by excessive shedding of skin cells, itchy-flaky skin and invisible inflammation. Human beings are more prone for occurrence of dandruff at puberty to middle age.

    Moreover it is stated that approximately 50% adult population is affected by dandruff worldwide while the 18.38% Indian community is affected by this disorder.

    To combat with occurrence of dandruff and associated symptoms, various anti dandruff agents having chemical entities in the form of shampoos, gels, creams etc are utilized in existing current practice.

    Though these agents have therapeutic potential to treat dandruff like disorders but might be having risk to produce untoward effects to human scalp and hair.

    Thus specific herbal drugs mentioned in ayurvedic literature having anti itching, antifungal and anti-inflammatory actions are helpful to treat such conditions and useful to get rid from dandruff . 

    These herbs can be converted into different current, easy applied cosmetic forms , especially in gel forms for management of dandruff which are considerably safe and effective . Additionally, it might be helpful to reduce hair fall and maintain healthy status of scalp and hair.

    Herbs: Raktachandan, Neem,  Daruharidra, Sarshap,  Karanj, Aragvadha, Musta etc 

    Different potent parts of  these herbal drugs --can be used in single or in combinations, can be modified with new innovation methods of preparations. These new developed forms [ Shampoos, oils, gels] of herbs might be effective and may show higher shelf life. 



    Friday 19 November 2021

    A Book Review : Ayurvedic Nutrition and cooking

    Ayurvedic Nutrition and Cooking : Book Review

     Living a Healthy Life with a healthy food is the concept elaborated easier written by author, Dr. Sunanda Ranade

    The book is a great source of healthy recipes for both beginners and experienced persons who are much more affectionate towards Ayurved. Book is featuring delicious, easy to make recipes by simple complete explanation with beautiful photos. This is possibly the best recipe book one can read.

    The traditional ayurvedic diet is purely put in a modernized version of the foods that our ancestors ate, hence the name “Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking”.  Ayurvedic nutritional diets are made up of nutrient-rich organic foods, includes different types of cereals, grains, natural oils, fats, nuts, fruits and additive herbal drugs. The food articles mentioned are prepared by application of basic principles of ayurvedic traditional science.

    Great efforts are taken by author to describe fundamental concepts of body-mind constitutions, assessment of individual’s physical and psychological characteristics. The attempt is made by author to address importance of daily food items for specific constitution in purview of prevention and management of illness.

    Especially in basic principles of nutrition chapter explanation about wholesome and unwholesome dietary products, accountability of eight factors in dietetics, quality properties and pharmacological actions of food substances are well narrated. Outstanding recipes from the book include milk processed with herbal drugs, Indian specific snacks and rice recipe, leafy-non leafy vegetables-curries processed with spices and coconuts, variety of mouth -watering pickles. All these food articles are often served as snacks, main course foods and some are the taste enhancers.

    The book does offer advice about the benefits of these food stuffs in relation to ayurvedic Vata-Pitta and Kapha entities along with the desired effects on constituents of human being. This book will play an important role to globalize the concept of ayurvedic cooking.


                                                                                        Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Associate Professor

                                                                Dept of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics and pharmacology

                                                                BV[Deemed to be University] College of Ayurved, Pune

    Research Article Published in e journal of Ayurved --reference for PG student


                                                                                                                Rasamruta, 12:16, August 2020

    Preparation and toxicity study of Kukkutand Twak [Hen Egg Shell] Bhasma treated

    [Bhavana] with different herbal juices

    Dr. Madhuri Pawar*

    Bharati Vidyapeeth [Deemed to be University], college of Ayurved , Pune


    Introduction: Kukkutand twak bhasma is the ayurvedic medicine advised to treat calcium

    deficiency and leucorrhea like disease conditions. In preparation of KTB variations are found in

    usage of herbal drugs and pattern of temperature for incineration.

    Objectives: Thus the attempt was made to formulate KTB samples with different herbal

    combinations and temperature ranges on Kukkutand twak [KT]. Physico- chemical analysis and

    safety data of KTB is generated.

    Material and methodology: Purified KT was processed in Kumari Swaras and incinerated in

    Gajaputa to prepare four samples of KTB. While KT was triturated with Kumari Swaras, Nimbu

    Swaras and Gulab Jala, processed in Laghu Puta to prepare three samples of KTB. Analysis of

    KTB samples was done in laboratory. One sample of KTB was tested for toxicity through acute

    and subacute studies.

    Results and conclusion: KTB prepared in seven and three Gajaputa revealed white colour but

    little bit burning sensation. KTB-M-7GP showed high percentage of calcium than other KTB-GP

    samples. KT incinerated in three cycles of Laghuputa showed grayish colour with no burning

    sensation and estimated quantitative concentration of calcium. In acute toxicity study, animals

    didn’t show any mortality and morbidity. In subacute study, sample of KTB didn’t show any

    abnormal change in ileum and bone; insignificant inflammatory lesions are observed in liver and

    kidney. Present study has demonstrated different preparation methods and analytical data for

    KTB samples processed in Gajaputa and Laghu puta. Acute and subacute toxicity study records

    have been illustrated for KTB sample processed with Kumari Swaras in Gajaputa.

    Wednesday 22 April 2020

    Two formulations of Guduchi : Preparation and Organoleptic tests

    Dr.Vaidehi Patankar, Dr. Madhuri Pawar, Dr Swati Gadgil
    Guduchi is one of the “Medhya Rasayan” drug stated in Charak Samhita with its specific form of administration i.e. “Swaras” [Fresh juice].
    Many previous research works are there with different forms of Guduchi such as Guduchi Choorna , Kwath or ethanolic and water extractives in which Guduchi Kanda (stem) is used.
    Here we have used Fresh Guduchi Kanda (Stem), Patra (Leaves) and Moola(Roots)  
    Identification and Authentication of Raw Drug
    Whole plant of Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia) was used as a Raw Drug.
    It was handpicked sample and identified from botany expert from IRSHA, Pune.
    Authentication with Macroscopic and Microscopic characters of raw drug was done in IDRAL Laboratory, Pune,
    Pharmaceutics of Guduchi Swaras
    In present study Guduchi Swaras was prepared as per the standard protocol stated in Sharangdhar Samhita Madhyam Khanda 1st Chapter verse no.2.
    आहतात् तत्क्षणाकृष्टात् द्रव्यात् क्षुण्णात् समुद्धरेत् I
    वस्त्र निष्पिडितो यः सः रसः स्वरसः उच्यते II
    1. Manufacturing of Guduchi Swaras
    2. Analysis of Guduchi Swaras
    Identified and Authenticated Guduchi Whole plant was handpicked from authentic source.
    Guduchi Stem having bitter taste was selected for study.Heart shaped green leaf and fresh roots were collected from same plant source.

    Preparation of Guduchi swaras:
    Standard Operating Procedures were carried out throughout the process.
    Ingredients of Gududhci Swaras :’


    Material Used

    Part Used



    Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

    Whole plant



    Guduchi stem


    3500 gms


    Guduchi leaves


    1000 gms


    Guduchi roots


    500 gms





    Mortar-Pestle, Wet Grinder, Measuring cylinder, Iron Vessel, Spoon, Muslin Cloth, Gas Stove
    ·         Cleaning: Whole plant of Guduchi were separated as Stem, Roots and Leaves and weighed individually. An Individual collected part of plants were washed under running tap water for 3 times.
    ·         Grinding: The washed stem, small roots and leaves were cut into small pieces and pounded over stony mortar-Pestle. The pounded mixture was put into wet grinder with 25% of water to have moderate rough paste.
    ·         Filtering:
    Obtained rough paste was taken into a clean muslin cloth and tied tightly and it was squeezed to have Guduchi Swaras. It was then measured with measuring cylinder.
    ·         In process and final testing was done as per the ayurvedic parameters further Guduchi Swaras was analyzed with API parameters.

          Preparation of Guduchi Kalpa:

    For better palatability and to increase shelf life of Guduchi swaras “Kalpa” was formulated. It was prepared as per the standard protocol stated for avaleha in  Sharangdhar Samhita Madhyam Khanda 8th chapter verse No.1 as “ Kalpa is to be consider as an advance form of “Avaleha Form”
    क्वाथादिनां पुनः पाकाद्घनत्वं सा रसक्रिया I
    सोsवलेहश्च लेहः स्यात् तस्य मात्रा पलोन्मिता II 
    Table for Quantity of Raw drug 


    Raw Drug used

    Time required to manufacture
    Guduchi swaras

    45 Min
    Sita (Sugar)
    700 gms


    Dark Green colour
    Ugra Gandhi



    Not applicable
    Cream  colour

    Handpicked sample of Fresh Guduchi [Tinospora cordifolia] identified and authenticated
    Two dosage forms of Guduchi prepared as per standard ayurvedic protocols
    Standard operating procedures for Guduchi Swaras and Kalpa are developed.
    Organoleptic characteristics of both formulations are estimated