Tuesday 20 August 2024


Menstruation is a complex process in women life initiated with physiological phenomenon. Women experience menstruation for 1/7 th of her life. During this phase ninety percent women experience some kinds of physical or psychological symptoms including nausea, pain in abdomen, lower back and calf etc. In ayurved science along with specific codes of conducts, dietary regime has been advised for menstruating women to govern healthy occurrence of menstrual cycle. Amongst several dietary ingredients Mudga [Green gram] has been menstioned in the list of food ingredients to be taken during menstruation.Mudga Yusha [green gram soup] is widely suggested with various combinations to treat different disease conditions. Properties of different Mudga yushas as per ayurvedic classical text[ Sushruta samhita] 1. The soups known as Raga-Shadava (which is another name for Mudga Yusha prepared with grapes and expressed pomegranate juice) is light and imparts a relish to food. It is not hostile to the deranged humors of the body but slightly subdues their action. 2. The soups of Mudga prepared with salt is hostile to Pitta and Kapha and is specially recommended in different diseases (Vata Vyadhi) occured due to distrubed vata entity. 3. Soups of Mudga prepared with Patola (Tricosanthem Diocius) and Nimba (Azadiarchta Indica) tends to reduce the quantity of fat and abnormal Kapha in the organism, subdue the Pitta, are appetizing and agreeable and prove curative in the cases of Kushtha [skin related problems]. 4. Mudga soup prepared with Mulaka (Radish) removes dyspnoea, cough, catarrh, water brash and fever. It tends to reduce fat and Kapha and proves curative in diseases affecting the throat. 5. Mudga soup cooked with Amalakas [ Emllica officinalis] acquired an astringent property and proves beneficial in derangements of the Kapha and Pitta dosha. Out of all Mudga yusha references, five references found with detailed mentioning of ingredients. Mudga Yusha prepared with Mudga (Vigna radiata), Dadim (Punica granatum), Saindhav (Rock salt), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Dhanyak (Coriandrum sativum), Pippali (Piper Longum), Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum) is seems to produce beneficial effects for women suffering from associated symptoms of menstruation by providing Vata anulomana, Deepana and Pachana actions. It is advised to produce therapeutic effects towards different metabolites like Rasa, Rakta, Shukta and Stanya. Thus might be helpful to show positive desired effects for reduction of Pain in Lower abdomen, Lower back, Breast Tenderness, Pain in calf Muscle, Headache, Nausea, Pimples, Loose motion, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Hot flushes in women.