Tuesday 9 July 2024


Ayurveda Concepts : For Rutucharya [ Seasonal practices--Dos and Dont's]

Dr. Madhuri Pawar 
Ayurved science pharmaceutics and pharmacology [ MD]  

Two Ayan[ Time spans] : as follows

Uttarayan [ AADAN KAAL]-- The ascent of sun in this time span / northward movement of sun, hot environment, increases dryness in body and reduces Sharir Bala[ strength] of body. Light to digest foods, watery, juicy liquid products consumption suggested.

Dakshinayan[ VISARGA KAAL] --The descent of the sun observed, movement towards southern direction.  Cold and unctuous environment. Strength of person increases, digestive power becomes strong, one can eat healthy, unctuous and heavy to digest , energy providing food articles  

Further, it is stated that these two time periods are then explained in Six rutu kaal[ seasons]. It is emphasized in ayurved science to observe the changes taken place as per season related to temperature, humidity,  weather and accordingly certain conducts are suggested for each season. If one can use and follow the guidelines or specific rule in relation to good conducts, then person can manage his or her  healthy status in appropriate manner. Following theses rules helps to prevent health and get rid from illnesses.

Following are the six rutu [seasons]explained  given in figure

Here two seasons and specific suggestions as per ayurved are  explained 

For Shishir Rutu [ Autumn ]

Here environment remains cold and cold weather, wind. Gaiing of energy is observed in this season.

Due to this aggravation of Kapha entity is seen in body and Agni[ digestive power] of person is at higher level. 

Thus, persons having good  status of digestive power can consume wheat based/ cereal based/ rice based gruels, porridges, milk based products. Ghee processed products like sweets, laddos are suggested to consume. Along with this regular exercises other than regular activities should be done to maintain healthy condition of body.

For Hemanta Rutu[ Late Autum] 

Lifestyle Recommendations
  • Exercise, body and head massage

  • Use of warm water and sunlight 

  • Applications of ayurvedic herbal powders --as scrub 
  • Use of woolen clothes and residing at warm places 

  • Exposure to Strong wind, cold wind and habit of day sleeping --should be avoided 

    • Vata Aggravating foods such as cold, dry nature foods, cold drinks  and light  to digest to be avoided.