Concept of Sandhan Kalpana [ Medicated Fermented ayurvedic products]:
द्रवेषु चिरकालस्थ द्रव्यं यत् संधितं भवेतI
आसवारिष्ट भेदेंस्तु प्रोच्यते भेषजोचितमII शारंगधर संहिता मध्यम खंड
1 .Drava dravya: Jala[Water], Kwath [Decoction] , Swaras[ Fresh Juice]
2. Other drugs: Herbal powders, Sugars , Sandhan drugs[ Dhataki Pushpa/ Madhuka Pushpa]
Mixed well ------Mixture
-----kept for certain time
period -----for Sandhan[ fermentation]----- Bheshaj Nirman----- Named as Asav-Arishta
Madyajanak Sandhan Kalpa
Development of Self generated alcohol
--- alcoholic fermentation -----Madya Nirman
Extraction of water
and alcohol soluble components of herbal drugs---becomes more potent
Amaljanak sandhan Kalpa ---lactic acid
fermentation----Amla rasa ---intensity